Sustainable Tourism today is closely examined in indicators and impacts on the environment, culture and societies. Some indicate that the power of tourism contributes to economic growth, while others emphasize the negative impacts on ecosystems, indigenous societies and cultural heritage. Tourism is not only good or only bad, it can be good according to how it is planned, developed, managed and the good way to do it is called “Sustainable Tourism”.

biodiversidad sierra nevada de santa martaFor many tourism agencies, it is repetitive to speak of sustainable tourism, but for our agency, which is 90% made up of indigenous people, it is exciting to always put all these guidelines into practice and become even more fully involved with sustainability. At present, we are related to the development of projects with the Colombian State, thus with the support of local and international foundations, indigenous and territorial organizations, environmental protection processes are carried out, emphasizing the ancestral knowledge that still persists in our millinery culture.


Travel agency Wiwa Tours considers environmental education one of the strongest pillars for the conservation of natural resources, since due to our indigenous roots we have great respect for nature and all the ecosystems that are composed of them, our goal is to make people aware of the environment and interested in it so that they acquire indigenous knowledge, because not having a healthy environment could end much of the existing life of our planet, we wish to develop a process of continuous learning hand in hand by qualified professional personnel to our employees, community in general and all the tourists who decide to choose us to know the natural reserves of our region.
Wiwa Tours is a travel agency that has extensive experience and coverage in the tourism sector, our experience in this activity helps us determine the possible impacts that may be caused.

banner sostenibilidadIt is important that organizations provide the conditions that facilitate compliance with current regulations on environmental management and serve as a reference in our city and in the region on the issue of Environmental Management.
This tourism agency is run by people highly committed to caring for the environment since its indigenous cultural roots consider all nature as a living being and it is for this reason that it has become a priority to determine prevention, mitigation, control and compensation of the impacts that are generated in the stages of tourism.

Staff receive regular training related to their role in managing environmental and sociocultural practices.

The agency complies with all relevant international or local laws and regulations.

Customer satisfaction is measured and corrective action is taken when appropriate.

Promotional materials are accurate and complete and do not promise more than the company can deliver.

It uses locally appropriate principles of sustainable construction.

The agency actively supports initiatives for infrastructure and social community development.

Where possible, the agency purchases local and fair trade goods and services.

The agency is fair in hiring indigenous and local minorities, including for managerial positions, while restricting child labor.

The agency offers facilities to small local entrepreneurs to develop and sell their sustainable products, based on the nature, history and culture of the area (which includes food and beverages, handicrafts, arts, agricultural products, etc.).

The agency has established a long-term sustainability management system that is adapted to its reality and scale, and that considers environmental, socio-cultural, quality, health and safety issues.

The Wiwa Tour agency follows established guidelines or the code of behavior for visits to sites that are culturally or historically sensitive, in order to minimize the impact caused by visitors and maximize their enjoyment.

The agency contributes to the protection of local properties and sites that are historically, archaeologically, culturally or spiritually important, and does not prevent local residents from accessing them.

The business uses elements of local art, architecture or cultural heritage in its operations, design, décor, food or shops while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities.

The company helps support biodiversity conservation, which includes supporting protected natural areas and areas that have high biodiversity value.

Clients are provided with information and interpretation about natural surroundings, local culture and cultural heritage, as well as explaining proper behavior while visiting natural areas, living cultures, and cultural heritage sites.

Hunting of wild animals is not allowed.

Attendance at the environmental education talk is mandatory (with Indigenous Guides).

Make adequate use of water in rivers and in camps.

Only bathe in authorized sites.

Only walk the trails at the established times.

Do not enter the indigenous houses and do not visit the Sacred Sites without prior permits.

Noisy musical elements are not allowed.

Pets are not allowed.

It is not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages or psychoactive substances.

Do not throw plastic or solid waste on the walk (cigarette tail).

Burning garbage is not allowed during the walk.

No bonfires should be built during hikes.

It is recommended to bring biodegradable products.

Do not use spray while on the trail.

Make proper use of energy.